This week it was fresh off the festival bus and to a magical al fresco Hard Hat dinner at a first-see evening for the new Annabel's. Guests turned up in their gladrags only to be promptly offered a high-vis jacket and hard hats to add to their ensembles, ready for a tour of what is essentially still a building site, but with the lowdown on what to expect when the fully revamped members club throws open its doors come Christmas. I can't show you any photos at this stage but what you will find on my Instagram (@hattiewesttt) is shots of the jaw-on-the-floor, flower-adorned table we ate a mouth-watering three-course dinner at, juxtaposed with scaffolding and builders rubble. As blogger friend Kelly of The London Chatter pointed out, I think we're going to be those annoying people to always refer back to it when it looked like this – it's kind of great as it already is.

Watch this space...
Images by me and Max Lacome.