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London Fashion Week

The final instalment of my Fashion Week tale comprises baggy jeans, aztec prints and a few lols with my dungaree and camo-clad pal – and jeweller extraordinaire – Daisy Knights.

Sun-starved days have meant these ankle-baring babies have been relegated to the bottom of my jeans pile since I bought them last autumn from the denim maestros at MiH. Really the dream would be to pair them with a white t-shirt and a pair of Birkenstocks, but for now it's Kurt Geiger wedges and flashing a cheeky bit of ankle. The aztec printed jacket is an absolute favourite from Comptoir des Cotonniers, which has longtime been a treat shop of mine, and is a firm fixture in the South Molton Street/ Westbourne Grove brigade (we’re talking Maje, Sandro, The Kooples). I generally find their tailoring the type that doesn't look much on the hanger, but after a trying-on session you understand what the fuss is all about.

Combined with some winter-proof layering – chunky jumper and several trusty Uniqlo Heat Tech strappy tops safely out of sight – and a nod to the nineties in the form of a chunky white and pink watch and gold choker, both by Daisy Knights, and we were set for our last bout of London Fashion Week giggles (sob).

Jacket | Comptoir des Cotonniers

Jeans | Phoebe by MiH

Boots | Kurt Geiger

Choker | Daisy Knights

Watch | Daisy Knights

Bracelet | Monica Vinader

Jumper | The Kooples

London Fashion Week
London Fashion Week
London Fashion Week
London Fashion Week
London Fashion Week
London Fashion Week
London Fashion Week



Covering life and style in London, reviewing dog-friendly travel 

with my miniature schnauzer Luna and interviewing influential movers and shakers. Formerly Vogue + Tatler.

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