January is a tough gig. With quiet dread we watch the city become a slightly less sparkly place on Twelfth Night (I've always honoured the 6th, not 5th) as Christmas lights come down and limp, sad-looking trees are discarded on doorsteps. So, many of my intentions for the month will revolve around comforts and not piling on the pressure, which I talked about in my last post. Not least when it comes to getting dressed and succumbing to an inherent urge for a palette of neutrals. Comfort zone joys.
High Hygge necks, Chelsea boots and tailored coats/blazers are well-trodden territory – so again, it's down to the details to do the talking. A sliver of sleeve, wide tailored lapels, and I've never been shy of a hoop earring; I've gone up a notch on scale this time, though these are only considered medium at Dinny Hall, a new jewellery favourite which sits in the company of Maje, Zadig and Claudie Pierlot on the Kings Road.
Plus, the less obvious long-over-short is a silhouette I intend to adopt more regularly. Single figure temperatures need not apply.

Coat | Les 100 Ciels
Skirt | Robert Rodriguez
Jumper | Gap
Bag | Coach
Boots | Fairfax & Favor
Earrings | Dinny Hall